Lucifer Wiki

I didn't see that coming...
— Uriel, after Lucifer stabs him
in "Weaponizer"

Uriel was an angel and one of Lucifer's siblings, serving as a minor antagonist of Season Two. Prior to arriving on Earth, he served God as a member of the Heavenly Host and acted as the Welcomer of Souls. After finding out that Goddess escaped Hell and is now residing on Earth with Lucifer and Amenadiel, Uriel ventures to Earth with the intention of coercing his brother into returning her back.


Uriel was one of the middle-born angels. He was a small child and always wanted to play with Lucifer and his older siblings. However, they excluded him. Since then, he has grown, but he remained subordinate to his elder siblings. His duties include welcoming the souls of deceased, righteous mortals through a speech, which Lucifer describes as being "worse than Hell".

In "Weaponizer", Chloe gets herself into a sudden car accident while operating her vehicle. A few moments later, Lucifer catches Uriel watching him from the top of a building. While conversing, Uriel tells Lucifer that he did not honor his end of the deal with God by allowing Goddess to remain on Earth. He then reveals that he was the one responsible for Chloe's car accident and offers Lucifer an ultimatum, to either bring Goddess to him within the next 24 hours or he would kill Chloe by initiating a sequence of events that would lead to her death.

Knowing that Uriel has always been afraid of Amenadiel, Lucifer requests his eldest brother to confront Uriel in an attempt to scare him into returning back to Heaven. Upon meeting Amenadiel, Uriel tries to ease tensions by stating that he just wants to bring their Mom back, but Amenadiel strongly retaliates and demoralizes Uriel by stating that God always sends him when he wants something done, threatening his younger brother to leave Earth and that he would never require his help. Uriel, seemingly afraid, appears to obey his command, but swiftly strikes Amenadiel down to the ground. After confirming his suspicions of Amenadiel losing his powers, Uriel revels in the state that his brother is in, and states that his ego was always going to be his undoing. He later unleashes his wings and badly thrashes Amenadiel in an act of retaliation, before leaving.

Amenadiel and uriel

Amenadiel intimidating Uriel

Lucifer later meets Uriel inside of a church, learning that he has acquired Azrael's Blade and intends to eradicate Goddess. After Lucifer refuses to return their mother, Uriel intends to press a piano key that would initiate a sequence of events where Chloe dies. This results in Lucifer striking Uriel down, later transitioning into a full fledged fight. Although Lucifer initially has the upper hand, he is defeated by Uriel after the latter manages to swiftly counter his attacks after analyzing the patterns in which he was moving in. Maze later joins the battle in an attempt to aid Lucifer but is also quickly defeated by Uriel with the same strategy. Before Uriel presses the piano key, Lucifer grabs Azrael's Blade (which was lost by Uriel after failing to kill Maze with it), and swiftly stabs him with it. Uriel, seemingly in a surprised state, confesses to not seeing that coming despite having the power to foresee patterns, and later dies in Lucifer's arms.

In "A Good Day to Die", it was revealed that Uriel's last words were, "The piece is here."

Uriel is mentioned in "Once Upon a Time", as it takes place in an alternate universe created by God where the events that led to Uriel coming to Earth and being killed by Lucifer never happened. He is mentioned when Lucifer is checking his suspicion that Amenadiel has not returned to the Silver City in years and has been stuck on Earth due to being unable to return Lucifer to Hell, saying that he had heard that Uriel had grown a mustache. When Amenadiel reacted in surprise, this confirmed it for Lucifer.

Powers and Weaknesses

Uriel can play with patterns. He can make a butterfly flap its wings and a housewife gets chlamydia
– Lucifer describing Uriel's talent
  • Angel Physiology: As an angel, Uriel has their physiology, including superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, endurance, agility, reflexes, resilience, senses, and intelligence, immortality, invulnerability, eternal lifespan, regenerative healing factor, flight, shape-shifting (being able to hide his wings). As well as their weaknesses.
  • Superhuman Strength: Uriel, like all angels, has immense levels of superhuman strength and can exert, lift and carry an unbelievable amount of force and mass. He used his strength in hand-to-hand combat against his younger brother Lucifer Morningstar who he briefly overpowered kicking him with enough force causing him to fly back over 50 feet in the air, and even though Lucifer is much stronger than Uriel, he still managed to gain a slight upper hand against Lucifer during their confrontation, ad during hand-to-hand combat with Mazikeen he effortlessly overpowered her and easily defeated, and knocking her completely unconscious, proving he and all angels are far more powerful and significantly much stronger than Demons.
  • Superhuman Speed: Uriel, like all angels, has tremendous superhuman speeds, he can appear and disappear much faster than the human eye could see, move across sizable distances within a millisecond. Uriel went from being on the street and then within a blink of an eye he was on top of a huge building. Uriel, like all angels, while using his wings can fly much faster than the speed of light, akin to instant teleportation.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Uriel, like all angels, has incredible superhuman reflexes, and react, dodge, or catch incoming damage at immense speeds, such as knives and daggers, and knife attacks by Mazikeen as he did throughout their very brief fight.
  • Probability Creation: Uriel's greatest celestial superpower is being able to create any kind of pattern or probability that he wishes, and make it where it happens inevitably. Lucifer said of Uriel's superpower "Uriel can make a butterfly flap its wings, and a housewife gets chlamydia." Uriel is a master strategist and has nearly an all-knowing supernatural understanding of patterns and their consequences. With a slight movement or adjustment to a surrounding object, he can set forth a sequence of events. At the beginning of "Weaponizer", Uriel slightly moved a skateboard, which set a sequence of events that resulted in Chloe's car crash.
  • Immortality: Uriel, like all angels, is absolutely immortal, with an eternal youthful lifespan, he is trillions of years old, created by his parents God and Goddess infinitely long before the creation of The Universe, and like all angels, he can live for all eternity, and is immune to age, aging, diseases, illnesses, sicknesses, poisons, infections, toxins, viruses, disorders, disabilities, and physical conditions, and can't be harmed or killed by any conventional means. Like all angels, the only thing that could kill him is demon daggers forged in hell and the Flaming Sword which is the only supernatural weapon that can permanently kill and eradicate an Angel, which also killed Uriel.
  • Invulnerability: Uriel, like all angels, is nearly indestructible, and is invulnerable to all conventional means, and even invulnerable to virtually all supernatural means, (Except demon daggers forged in hell and the Flaming Sword).
  • Flight: Uriel, like all angels, can fly via wings at high-hypersonic speeds, he like all angels, can fly at such immense speeds much faster than the speed of light, and can also use their wings for shielding, healing, stabbing, fighting, creating extremely powerful winds, resurrection, dimensional travel, and protection.
  • Master Martial Artist and Hand to Hand Combatant: Despite Uriel's smaller size, he is a very capable fighter. He utilized his ability to notice and recognize patterns in his fight with Lucifer and Mazikeen, winning the fight until Lucifer caught him with a surprise attack and killed him using Azrael's blade.


According to Goddess, "Uriel is a stubborn boy. When he sets his mind, it doesn't waver." Growing up, Uriel looked up to his elder siblings. He kept trying to play with them no matter how many times they excluded him.

He is obedient and a little frightened of his eldest brother, Amenadiel. However, when he realized that Amenadiel is weakened, he took pleasure in knocking Amenadiel over and beating him up.

When he came to Earth, Uriel was quite arrogant, murderous, and sadistic, having no qualms about killing his mother or Chloe Decker.


To edit this section, go to Lucifer Morningstar/Family.

Chloe Decker
Aurora Morningstar
Other Angels


  • Solid lines denote blood relationships
  • Dashed lines denote romantic relationships
  • denote deceased individuals


Season One
#6 "Favorite Son" Mentioned
#9 "A Priest Walks Into a Bar" Mentioned
Season Two
#5 "Weaponizer" Appears
#6 "Monster" Mentioned
#8 "Trip to Stabby Town" Mentioned
#10 "Quid Pro Ho" Mentioned
#13 "A Good Day to Die" Appears
Season Three
#9 "The Sinnerman" Mentioned


  • Uriel is an archangel in certain Jewish and Christian traditions.
  • Uriel is the first being that Lucifer has ever killed.
  • Uriel was acting on his own, not on God's order.
  • Uriel is the fourth comics character to appear in the TV series (after Lucifer, Mazikeen, and Amenadiel).
  • There is some disagreement on whether Lucifer or Uriel is older. Amenadiel's speech to Uriel ("Not the eldest son. Not the young rebel. But an angel buried somewhere deep in the middle.") implies that Uriel is older. Yet Goddess, when speaking to Lucifer, implies that Lucifer was included with the older kids while Uriel was not ("All he ever wanted was to play with you and the older kids"). Tricia Helfer, who plays Goddess, confirmed that Uriel is older than Lucifer.[1]
  • Uriel is presumably alive in the alternate universe created by God, as Lucifer and Amenadiel mention Uriel and that neither had seen him in years.




Amenadiel (formerly) • AzraelCastielGabrielHanjobadielIbrielJophielLezmegadielMichaelLucifer MorningstarRaphaelRazielRemielSaraqaelUrielZadkiel






CharlieAurora Morningstar



