Lucifer Wiki

A true warrior admits their defeat.
— Remiel to Amenadiel
in "Devil Is as Devil Does"

Remiel was an angel and one of Lucifer Morningstar's younger siblings. She is killed by her brother Michael when she's discovered to be working as a spy for Lucifer in his campaign to become God.


Remiel was one of the many angels born to God and Goddess.

Amenadiel runs into Remiel

Amenadiel encounters Remiel in Los Angeles

Amenadiel mentioned that Remiel is a fierce warrior and huntress and she enjoys hunting stags, and both Amenadiel and Remiel hunting in the Silver City. Remiel came to Earth to take Charlie and bring him to Heaven, however, Amenadiel stopped her and they fought, though Remiel was close, Amenadiel won the fight, and Remiel returned to Heaven.

Michael implies that when Gabriel later tells the other angels about Lucifer's return to hell and sacrifice of his own happiness on Earth, Remiel alongside the other angels of heaven, especially Raphael, later says how proud they are for Lucifer that he has finally grown.

After God decides to retire and relinquishes the position of Sovereign of Heaven without choosing a successor, Lucifer volunteers himself for the position. Although Remiel strongly opposes to supporting Lucifer, she eventually decides to support him after learning that Michael, whom she dislikes even more, is also planning to claim the position of God. She later ventures to Earth and warns Lucifer that his twin is garnering the support of others on Heaven, and agrees to act as a spy for Lucifer. Michael eventually discovers Remiel's betrayal and eradicates her with Azrael's Blade.


Remiel talks about humans

Remiel thinks very little of humans

Remiel sometimes can be quite stubborn and tends to misunderstand others. Remiel loves to hunt, especially stags. She holds a low opinion of Lucifer for being "a slut", believing he would create a new celestial by mistake. She also holds a very low opinion of humans, calling them "barely sentient, petty creatures." Her most notable trait is her utter lack of concern about blending in with modern humans, as she carries her spear with her and forgets that humans are not meant to see divinity.

She cares for her family, as she idolizes Amenadiel, her eldest brother. When she learned a Nephilim was born, she wanted to take him to heaven to be with his own kind. She was outraged when her brother Amenadiel neglected to tell her that he was the father of that child and believe that he was wasting the potential by letting him stay on earth. When Amenadiel declares the child was his family, Remiel was hurt stating she believed she was his family. After he defeated her in battle, she begrudgingly accepted that he knew what was best for his own child. Remiel later admits that Lucifer made a great sacrifice by returning to Hell and giving up his own happiness; this shows an improved opinion of her brother. Regardless, she refused to hug her brother at their father's retirement party, only giving him a disgusted glare. Before her death, she sided with Lucifer in his bid to stop the rogue Michael.

Remiel gives Amenadiel half of her spear

Remiel's honor is shown in the fact that she passes Amenadiel half of her spear to make the fight fair

Due to her status as a warrior, she possesses great honor. She broke apart her own spear and gave half of it to Amenadiel, stating “At least nobody can't say it wasn't a fair fight”. After her defeat, she accepted her loss and honored her word of not interfering with Charlie's life on Earth. In spite of her distaste for him, she chose to support Lucifer to stop Michael because of the latter being a common enemy.

Powers and Abilities


  • Angel Physiology: Remiel shares many of the same abilities as all other angels. However, she has displayed herself to be considerably much stronger than regular angels, able to challenge Amenadiel in battle, though she was eventually overpowered, and it must be noted that Amenadiel did not have the celestial strength and powers he once had.
    • Superhuman speed: Like all Angels, Remiel can appear and disappear faster than a blink of an eye, and can move across a room within a split second.
    • Superhuman Strength: Like all angels, Remiel has immense levels of superhuman strength, exerting vast amounts of superhuman physical force, and is superhumanly strong enough to contend with Amenadiel, who is an extraordinarily powerful angel, showing she is much stronger than regular angels. She was able to go blow-to-blow with him when they both used pieces of her spear and could send him flying with her blows, eventually forcing her initially reluctant brother to take her seriously and use full strength to beat her down.
    • Invulnerability: Remiel was able to shrug off blows from Amenadiel without suffering any injury to herself, eventually forcing Amenadiel to seriously hit her to finally subdue and knock her down, which she still quickly recovered from.
    • Immortality: Like all Angels, Remiel has lived for eons, and will live naturally for all eternity without aging or decaying.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Remiel could pace Amenadiel in their battle and even outmaneuver him at times. Remiel has extraordinary reflexes, beyond a superhuman level.
    • Hunting Intuition: Remiel is a formidable hunter as she is capable to sense the presence of a celestial being from Heaven. As mentioned in "Orgy Pants to Work", Remiel was able to sense Amenadiel's unborn child (Charlie) and able to track his scent. She can also sense humans, demons, and other supernatural beings.
    • Master Martial Artist and hand-to-hand combatant: Remiel fought Amenadiel, and although she lost, the fight was close.


Season Four
#6 "Orgy Pants to Work" Appears
#7 "Devil Is as Devil Does" Appears
#8 "Super Bad Boyfriend" Mentioned
Season Five
#2 "Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!" Mentioned
#14 "Nothing Lasts Forever" Appears
#15 "Is This Really How It's Going To End?!" Mentioned
#16 "A Chance at a Happy Ending" Appears


  • In the Lucifer comics, Remiel is a blonde haired male angel.
  • In Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions, Remiel is an angel, his name means "Thunder of God".
  • Remy hates wearing jeans, calling it a torture device; implying she prefers loose clothing.
  • As Charlie is later revealed to be mortal despite his angelic heritage. It's shown Remy can make some mistakes with tracking celestial presences or Charlie’s powers are still dormant.




Amenadiel (formerly) • AzraelCastielGabrielHanjobadielIbrielJophielLezmegadielMichaelLucifer MorningstarRaphaelRazielRemielSaraqaelUrielZadkiel






CharlieAurora Morningstar



