Lucifer Wiki

Omnipotence is having unlimited power, and the power to be able to accomplish absolutely anything, even if it is impossible, regardless of the task's difficulty. The user wields supreme power and is beyond any other entity in existence. Because of several contradictions and paradoxes can occur resulting from this power's definition, it should be noted that an omnipotent being can do anything outside of paradoxical tasks, even if it contradicts the laws of science, nature, physics, and universe.

Entities possessing this power[]

God and Goddess are the closest to being completely omnipotent, no beings beside them in Lucifer are fully omnipotent, but some have had various degrees of omnipotence.


Beings of near-unlimited power, who can do almost anything and everything.

  • Gods: God and Goddess are near-completely omnipotent and possess nearly unlimited power. They created the whole universe, humans and angels. They cannot be killed, and are completely invincible. They can however be overpowered and weakened by each other, as God did when he imprisoned Goddess in Hell for tens of thousands of years. When Goddess escaped, her powers were greatly weakened and she could be injured by lesser beings. Later, however, Goddess' powers fully returned. God is currently significantly more powerful than Goddess, since her prolonged imprisonment has weakened her.

Extremely Powerful[]

Beings that possess near-infinite levels of power, however still have many limitations.

  • Angels: Besides God and Goddess, angels are the most powerful beings in the universe. They are phenomenally powerful celestial beings and have powers that are deemed godlike; resurrect humans, heal injuries, wounds, sicknesses, diseases, or infections, are resistant to physical harm, have immense superhuman physical attributes, and can easily overpower humans, demons, and other beings. They are much stronger than demons. Angels are able to accomplish other incredible feats that would be deemed impossible. However, their powers are still limited, and, unlike God and Goddess they are subject to self-actualization.


  • Demons: As malevolent, supernatural entities who are tasked with torturing souls and serving Lucifer, demons possess vast amounts of supernatural power. They can easily kill humans but are nowhere near a match for angels, and even though they are very powerful supernatural beings, they are nowhere near omnipotent.