Lucifer Wiki

Linda and Mazikeen are best friends.


Linda and Maze met in the 8th episode of season 1 "Et Tu, Doctor?"

Throughout the Series[]

Maze and Linda have been seen sharing a true bond and Linda even calls Maze "Auntie Maze" in regards to her and Amenadiel's son Charlie.

in "The Good, the Bad and the Crispy" Maze Finds Dr Linda at in office Dying from the torture of Goddess & Begs Amenadiel to Save her.

in "A Devil of My Word" Maze is drugged and held captive. To try to keep her in line, Cain threatens Linda’s life, so thinking that Linda was in danger she fought her way through twelve people and ran four miles, and arrived half dead at Linda’s office. luckily Linda was safe.


  • In “¡Diablo!” characters based on Linda and Mazikeen are shown in an in-universe TV series. These characters, known as the Doctor and Blaze respectively, are in an intimate relationship.
  • Their ship name is DrMaze


