Lucifer Wiki

My little monkey's gonna be a star.
— John to Petey
in "My Little Monkey"

John Decker is Chloe Decker's deceased father. He was an LAPD officer.


John Decker was a police officer with the LAPD. He married Penelope, who was a famous 80's sci-fi movie star, and they had a daughter, Chloe. John was murdered in an apparent robbery gone wrong when Chloe was 19. Because of Penelope's fame, paparazzi invaded his funeral and Chloe ended up punching out Nick Hofmeister's camera. Shortly after, Chloe left acting and decided to join the LAPD.

John's murder was actually not a robbery but an intentional assassination. His murder had been orchestrated by a prison warden named Perry Smith. Smith also arranged for Joe Fields, an innocent man, to take the fall for the murder in return for money. Sixteen years later, Chloe arrested Perry Smith after finding proof that Fields could not have committed the crime. However, with Goddess's help (while posing as the human attorney Charlotte Richards), Smith got acquitted. Later, Dan and Maze inform the Russian mob that Smith was responsible for Boris Sokolov's murder and where to find him. The mob kidnap and murder Smith.


Season One
#1 "Pilot" Mentioned
#2 "Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil." Mentioned
Season Two
#7 "My Little Monkey" Appears
#10 "Quid Pro Ho" Mentioned
#12 "Love Handles" Mentioned
Season Three
#7 "Off the Record" Mentioned
#9 "The Sinnerman" Mentioned


To edit this section, go to Chloe Decker/Family.

John Decker
Penelope Decker
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Dan Espinoza
Aurora Morningstar
Trixie Espinoza


  • Solid lines denote parent-child blood relationships
  • Dashed lines denote romantic relationships
  • denote deceased individuals



