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Considering that for the demon blades, they can kill the celestial and sent them to either Heaven or Hell. For Azrael's blade, once they kill a celestial with that blade, it wipes them entirely. So from that difference, I reckon that Azrael's blade can have a bigger chance to kill him as it's stronger. But I reckon that Cain doesn't want to wipe out of existence so he probably turn down that option.
For me, I was in Los Angeles for a holiday and I happen to watch an episode called #TeamLucifer. So I can say that since that day, I’m in Team Lucifer.
I would pick Zadkiel and Azrael as my favourite of Lucifer’s siblings
I believe that when Lucifer takes the opportunity to be God, he feels that it would help to prove himself to be worthy as he doesn’t feel worthy himself. However when he learned that Michael wants to be God, Lucifer feels that he needs to prevent Michael becoming one. Imagine what would have happen when Michael succeeds.
On the final season, he feels hesitant as deep down, this role doesn’t feel right to him. It’s like he tries to tell himself that he wants to be God but subconsciously, he couldn’t because it’s not who he is. Similar to how Chloe is when being a Detective is part of her as being the Devil is a part of Lucifer.
Wish we can select more than one as they are awesome episodes
Don’t get me wrong but I actually guess that Maze is faking it. Because she likes to torture and her comment of her outfit being less like Dan is just to add her fun of torturing him.
That is a great question. For what Lucifer and Chloe have in common is that they want to bring justice and peace to the world. If their child follow in their footsteps, they could bring hope and wisdom to make the world a better place. Might follow Lucifer’s example as he reigns as God.
I can picture that if they have any supernatural ability, it would be something that matches their personality. That way it is unique to them.
If I like to guess, I would say Thousand years by Christina Perri or Halo by Beyoncé.
91 Votes in Poll
The easiest way to remember the episode titles is to remember the lines because they always reference them through dialogue.
Mr. Said Out Bitch or Lee Garner
In the past seasons, Lucifer often misinterpreted what Linda was trying to say to him but at the end of the episodes, he often listen to what Chloe said and really understands what she meant.
Both of them really help him but I would say that Chloe had helped him change and it’s his love for her makes him become a better person.
It’s kind of explained by it’s the nuns’ faith that has their attention to Amenadiel. One of them did mention the Devil when they ask who do they think killed one of nuns so...
The nuns have their own collaborative beliefs and they do have strong faith in God. Since, Amenadiel is the first born Angel, he could probably have the strongest source of Faith.
It’s quite possibly that they simply behave like children when they first appeared. So I think that when they mention ‘kids’ it’s kind of a code or metaphor for in their early years.
Thanks to the new information that we get from S5A, we can have new insight on the scenes as well.
At the start, I think that he regularly gets nicknames from people that he doesn’t get along with. After all, Amenadiel was the only in S1 to give him a nickname (“Luci”) and they aren’t exactly see things eye to eye at that point.
A quick side note, do you know who else used “Luce” nickname? Eve. So maybe, when he heard that nickname, it could remind him of Eve and how he used that nickname.
I like all of your opinions and Trixie is a very tricky girl. She continues to surprise the adult characters and it includes her parents. Back in Season 5A, Trixie does believe Lucifer’s past experience of New York in 1946. She even does say that he doesn’t have to make anything up. Now that I think about it, if Lucifer is going to reveal his devil face to her, Chloe would be there to support her if it scares her.
Now, about Ella, her very first scene with Lucifer actually give me a hint. She said to Lucifer that the Devil has a bad rap. It gives me a reason that with her religious beliefs, she has different view than other people. She even mentioned back in S4 that the devil started out as an Angel which does give Chloe that second insight. I know that she has low faith during that time but she has that information in mind. Perhaps, that fact bring up again to her mind to remind herself that he is still the same Lucifer that she knows.
What do you think?
“Those deep dark naughty little desires that are on their mind. It’s a gift. Must be something about this face”
Also “From the seventh of ‘never’ through to fifteenth of ‘ain’t gonna happen’ how does that work for you guys?”
Remember how the first thing when he got back to LA, he wants to have his wings chopped off. So from by that thought, it means that he doesn’t want to use the wings and prefers to get there by transport.