Moviestar1963·8/23/2021in GeneralWhich angel is your favourite? Not the main ones but rather the others that we get to see.AzraelRemielZadkielGabrielUrielOtherVote91 Votes in PollUrielAzraelRemielAngelGabrielZadkiel
Jeff the killer and Jane the killer together·5/30/2021in GeneralAll the angels who are not and should be added to the list of charactersJophiel- Season 5 Episode 15Saraqael/Sara- Season 5 Episode 15Hanjobadiel-Season 5 Episode 14That's all I haveDo you have more names?Hope you add what I suggested :)(Edited by Jeff the killer and Jane the killer together)AzraelRemielAngelSeason 5GodMichaelAmenadiel and LuciferGaudiumGabriel