- There's an open-call for new admins. I'm hoping to promote 2-3 users.
- Congrats & best of luck to Muhdika!
- We've added the discussions/feed feature to this wiki. For those who prefer forum, it's staying (well, at least until Fandom removes all forums).
- We're hoping to add Lucifer to the Fandom app. From a different wiki I'm admin on, I know the app is a fun place for fans and can bring tons of discussions.
- Back in April, we changed the color of link from 'silver' to 'gold' to make them easier to read (see Thread:12292).
- This was done through Fandom's theme designer tool which isn't that flexible. I.e the link color change isn't confined just to link color, it changes colors of other things too (e.g. you'll notice that infobox have a bronze tint instead of previous dark grey; also this box you're reading right now).
- More flexible customization is possible with css, but as explained in the thread, I'm not a designer (if someone wants to work on the website design, let me know).
Thank you everyone for your work on the wiki!